Why was I declined for a payment plan?

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We're sorry that we couldn't approve you for a payment plan at this time. All customers are assessed based on the information supplied at checkout. We were either unable to verify your identity or you did not pass our customer assessment guidelines. Here are a few possible reasons:

  • We couldn't gather sufficient credit information from Equifax (Canada)/Experian (USA) to make a decision

  • Your credit information didn't allow us to provide an approval

  • History of late or unsuccessful payments with Elective

We hope you'll consider us again in the future.


Tip: Ensure all information in your application matches your personal details. This includes your legal name, address, and banking information (if applicable).


Does this mean I can't complete my purchase?

You can still complete your purchase, however, you will need to checkout with another payment method provided by the merchant. 


But I've used Elective before.

If you've been declined, you will need to wait a few months before you are eligible for a reassessment. Even previous Elective customers must pass this assessment again with each new order.


Will I be able to use Elective in the future?

Each order is assessed at the time it is placed for both new and returning customers. We recommend you try Elective for future checkouts to see if we can approve your purchase.

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